In the far north, in some uncharted waters, the great Mogambo has invaded a beautiful and serene island. He, along with his associates Daga, Teja, and Walcott, are conducting experiments to make agents for chemical warfare. The world risks ruin if these experiments are not stopped.
You are deputed as a "one-man army" to defeat Mogambo and rescue the island. The story flows through serene worlds like forests, waterfalls, and snow. It has five levels where you deal with each of Mogambo's associates separately.
1. Industrial: Daga
2. Walcott's Land of the Fossilized Dead
3. Into the Boulders: Teja
4. Forest
5. Mogambo
Inspired by old retro games, Island of Mogambo is an exciting action adventure game set in an unknown land.